Can we make Biocatalysis more sustainable and efficient? and How?

12.00pm, Seminar Room

Ana Isabel Benítez Mateos

(ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

Enzymes are biological catalysts that are becoming increasingly popular as more selective alternativesto traditional chemical catalysts. However, enzymes are not naturally suited to the harsh conditionsthey often encounter in biotechnological or biomedical applications, such as extreme pH, hightemperatures, or dehydration. These conditions can lead to reduced stability, which affects theirefficiency and sustainability. To address these challenges, my research has focused on enzymeimmobilization techniques and the intensification of the immobilized biocatalysts in continuous-flowreactors for the synthesis of antivirals, anticancer drugs, and fragrance molecules. To this end, amultidisciplinary approach incorporating bioinformatic tools, new renewable biomaterials, and enzymediscovery has been applied. Despite these advances, enzyme stability remains a significant challenge inthe field of Biocatalysis. To further improve stability, we are currently investigating innovative protein-protein interaction strategies with the ultimate goal of creating a universal tool for proteinstabilization.