CIC biomaGUNE regularly receives visits from high-school and university students who come to have a closer look at our activity.

The INSPIRA project is a pioneering project in Euskadi for the promotion of the scientific-technological vocation (STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) among girls.

What does milk or tomato look like on a small scale? Our researchers have tried to capture the complexity of each day's meals through photographs taken under a microscope.
This initiative brings Science to local bars, thereby breaking down the barriers that separate science from society.
Aitziber L. Cortajarena took active part at the Women in Nanoscience event organized by CIC nanoGUNE presenting her scientific work and participating in a roundtable
The Piccola Accademia di Gagliato delle Nanoscienze is the junior arm of the Accademia di Gagliato.
Olatu Talka is a cultural festival organized by the citizens of San Sebastián. During a weekend, the streets, squares and parks of the city become the scene of multiple activities in which citizens are protagonists of cultural action.
For the second consecutive year CIC biomaGUNE has participated at the "Donostia WeekINN" Innovation Week

CIC biomaGUNE is involved in the production of the CIC NETWORK magazine, the science magazine of the Cooperative Research Centers.